heyy cool date anyways my gacha luck on the latest banner has been HORRIBLE i did 33 pulls and didn’t get a single ssr… maybe this is my punishment from straying from lennox but it’s ok

SIGHHH as soon as i saw this card, i was taken aback… nero is so cute here!!! but alas i didn’t get him and i’m not really willing to grind out all of those gems for him :/ i’ll just have to wait for this event to rerun in a year or something… anyways i got the lennox sr after grinding event points for a few days, so at least i have him!!! the outfit it comes with is SO cute too TT every time his outfit includes his sheep i get so happy… like look at them :((

lennox my beloved <3
anyways i’m going to pull some tonal whiplash out;; my ex (hurts to call him that but i gotta start doing it because i really need to end it in my mind) gave me so much shit that i can’t really be in my room without remembering him. i hate that emptiness that was created by no longer being in a relationship; i see him all the fucking time and i can’t help but get bittersweet whenever i do. sure, i have my friends and family— all of whom took a look at his egregious actions (seriously, he drove to my house to drop off a note pleading for a face-to-face when he broke up with me… what the actual fuck) and said that i would be better off without him. hell, i said that i’d be better off without him, and i know that. it just hurts so i’m not gonna stop whining about it until it doesn’t anymore. it probably will hurt indefinitely, so i guess i just have to do a bunch of things to distract myself from it. umm…
anyways sad interlude over!!!
i went to the park with my sibling today and he took this really cool photo of me, but it was one of those photos that reminded me how high the quality of the camera is on my phone. i don’t think that HD camera shooting is a quality i’d be actively considering in a phone because of my preference for that digicam look, but it was just so high quality that it was funny considering the subject (me on the ground after doing a cartwheel).

what no exercise does to a mf
i also got another pair of shoes! white skechers d’lites, which i have been wanting for two years!!! to be honest, i didn’t really need another pair of sneakers since my parents got me one on their last trip to costco, but idk. consumerism to quell my emotional suffering or whatever ANYWAYS the sneakers went really well with the outfit i had on already!! awesomesauce